VE, 22.12.23


«The Winter Solstice Gong Bath» Meditation mit Alan Steinborn

Alan Steinborn conduit cette méditation au gong pour ouvrir les sens tout en calmant l'esprit. Ces séances sont un instrument de régénération corporelle, d’équilibre émotionnel et de bien-être spirituel ; elles fournissent surtout une formidable occasion de prendre un moment pour soi.

La méditation de 90 minutes se termine tôt pour pouvoir ensuite profiter tranquillement du musée et des œuvres exposées.

La méditation aura lieu en anglais. Les participants sont invités à apporter leur propre tapis de yoga.

Les «Friday Beyeler» vous offrent à l’approche du week-end une visite-détente dans le musée. Le musée reste ouvert jusqu'à 21h, le restaurant jusqu'à 22h. Pour toute autre information veuillez consulter le site


30 years ago, Alan had a life changing awakening. It was an unexpected mystical moment of clarity that he was not his thoughts nor his feelings. As a result, he organized his whole life to explore the meaning of that moment. He intuitively developed a meditation to explore the nature of thought, sensation and beyond.
He began sharing this meditation with others. His goal was to help people live their lives in more mindful and loving ways, with less unneeded suffering. In addition to offering sessions throughout the US, he was invited to give sessions in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Bali, India, and Brazil.
Eventually, he discovered the gongs, and realized that the same realizations can be had, but with much less effort. Now, he focuses his attention and time on being the best gong player he can be. He has seen how the gongs, when played in a sensitive and creative way, bring about instant and profound transformation.


Baselstrasse 101
CH-4125 Riehen/Basel