WED, 01.11.23
18:30h – 19:30h


Lecture and discussion on art in Georgia around 1900

In her lecture, art historian Prof. Nino Tchogoshvili will be painting a vivid picture of living conditions in Pirosmani’s day and looking at how they may have influenced his works. Afterwards, art historian Irine Jorjadze will be talking with Daniel Baumann, guest curator of the exhibition, about the development and significance of Georgian modernism, the artist Niko Pirosmani and the reception of his works.

In collaboration with Elene Chechelashvili and the Georgische Kulturplattform association, Zurich.

The lecture will be held in German. Admission to the museum is included in the ticket.


Baselstrasse 101
CH-4125 Riehen/Basel